Je Tsong Khapa, Lobsang Drakpa (1357-1419)
“The stages of the path to enlightenment have passed down intact through successive generations from both Nagarjuna and Asanga, the crown jewels of all erudite masters of the Southern Continent, and the banner of whose fame flies above the wandering masses. As (following the stages) can fulfill, without an exception, the desired spiritual aims of the nine types of rebirth, they constitute a power-granting king of precious instruction. Because they gather within them the streams of myriad excellent classics, they comprise, as well, an ocean of all-around perfect, correct explanation.You understand all Buddha’s teachings with no contradictions. The scriptural pronouncements, without an exception, dawn (on your mind) as guideline instructions. You easily discover the Triumphant One’s intended meanings. They protect you from the abyss of the great misdeed (of forsaking the Dharma). Because of these (benefits), what scrutinizing persons among the erudite masters of India and Tibet will not have their minds enraptured by the stages of the path of three spiritual scopes, the supreme instructions to which many fortunate ones have entrusted themselves.”
From The Concise Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment by Je Tsong Khapa as published in The Abbreviated Points of the Graded Path by Tsongkhhapa. Translated by Alex Berzin. Available on-line from The Berzin Archives.
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