PAP Update (1 December 2013)

The Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee regrets to hear about the delays which many of you are experiencing in obtaining your Protected Area Permit (PAP) to visit Sera Monastery.

We believe that many more PAP’s will be issued in the next 1-2 weeks, so we encourage all of you to delay cancelling your travel plans as long as possible, to allow for the possibility of your PAP arriving soon.

The Indian Government’s Ministry of Home Affairs is the department which actually issues all PAP’s. The Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee and the Bureau of His Holiness the Dalai Lama do NOT issue PAP’s. However, the Bureau of His Holiness has very kindly offered to help facilitate the PAP application process for attendees of His Holiness’ teachings.

This year the Indian Government’s PAP processing is taking much longer than usual, and at this time most of the PAP’s for the Jangchup Lamrim Teachings have not yet been issued.

The Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee and the Bureau of His Holiness have been doing our best and everything in our power to very strongly urge the Indian Government to process all PAP’s as quickly as possible.

Note: If you did not receive an email confirmation of receipt for your PAP application when you first applied to the Bureau of His Holiness, we suggest that you contact the Bureau at for confirmation that your application is in fact in process.

The Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee

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