Text Translations in Deutsch
Translations of the eighteen Jangchup Lamrim commentaries into German will be listed here as they become available, including a bibliography of published translations, links to on-line translations, and translations in PDF-format for download. (Please note that the German texts below have not been translated or checked for accuracy by the Jangchup Lamrim Teaching Organizing Committee.)
During the 2012 and 2013 Jangchup Lamrim Teachings His Holiness completed teachings on 13 of the 18 texts. During the 2014 Jangchup Lamrim Teachings, His Holiness began two texts (15 and 17). During the 2015 session of Jangchup Lamrim Teachings, His Holiness completed all of the five remaining Jangchup Lamrim texts (10 – 11 and 15 – 17).
1) Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment
by Jowo Je Atisha
- „Eine Lampe für den Pfad zur Erleuchtung“ (Tib. Byang-chub lam-gyi sgron-ma, Skt. Bodhipathapradipam), von Dipamkara Shrijnana Atisha, ins Englische übersetzt von Alexander Berzin, 1980, in Übereinstimmung mit Erklärungen von Tsenzhab Serkong Rinpoche, dem Kommentar des Ersten Panchen Lama folgend, und überarbeitet im Jahr 2003, Übersetzung ins Deutsche: Christian Dräger, 2012, Lektorat: Monika Dräger. Available on-line from The Berzin Archives.
- Die Lampe auf dem Weg: Stufen buddhistischer Meditation, von Dalai Lama. Diamant Verlag.
2) The Great Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
by Je Tsong Khapa
- This translation is currently being researched. Please check here again in the future.
3) The Medium Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
by Je Tsong Khapa
- Der Mittlere Stufenweg: Aspekte budd-histischer Psychologie, von Tsongkhapa. Diamant Verlag.
- OUTLINES ONLY: Der Mittlere Stufenweg von Dsche Tsongkhapa, mit eingefügten Zwischenüberschriften von Tridschang Rinpotsche. Aus dem Tibetischen übersetzt von Cornelia Krause. Auszug aus „Der Mittlere Stufenweg“. FPMT Inc., erschienen im Diamant Verlag München 2007. PDF download available here.
4) The Concise Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
also known as Song of the Stages of the Path
by Je Tsong Khapa
- This translation is currently being researched. Please check here again in the future.
5) The Essence of Refined Gold – Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
by His Holiness the Third Dalai Lama, Sonam Gyatso
- Gesang der inneren Erfahrung: Die Stufen auf dem Pfad zur Erleuchtung, von Dalai Lama. übersetzt von Jürgen Manshardt. Dharma Edition.
6) The Easy Path – Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
by Panchen Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen
- Lamrim Delam – Der angenehme Weg zur Erleuchtung, Panchen Losang Chökyi Gyältsen, Übersetzt von Dr. Cornelia Weishaar-Günter, ISBN 978-3-931442-79-8 (Artikel-Nr. 7018). Available from Tibethaus Verlag.
7) The Sacred Words of Manjushri – Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
by His Holiness the Fifth Dalai Lama, Lobsang Gyatso
- This translation is currently being researched. Please check here again in the future.
8) The Swift Path – Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
by Panchen Lobsang Yeshe
- This translation is currently being researched. Please check here again in the future.
9) Essence of Fine Speech – Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
by Ngawang Drakpa of Dagpo
- This translation is currently being researched. Please check here again in the future.
10) The Three Principal Aspects of the Path
by Je Tsong Khapa
- Die drei Hauptaspekte des Pfades, von Tsongkhapa. Übersetzt von Alexander Berzin 1983, überarbeitet 2003. Available on-line from The Berzin Archives.
11) Foundation of All Good Qualities
by Je Tsong Khapa
- Die Grundlage für gute Eigenschaften, von Tsongkhapa. Übersetzt von Alexander Berzin 1982, überarbeitet 2003, Übersetzungins Deutsche: Tara. Available on-line from The Berzin Archives.
12) Destiny Fulfilled: The Spiritual Biography of Lama Tsong Khapa
by Je Tsong Khapa
- This translation is currently being researched. Please check here again in the future.
13) The Essence of Nectar – Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
by Kongpo Lama Yeshe Tsondru
- Der essentielle Nektar der Edlen Lehre, Stufenweg zur Erleuchtung, von Kongpo Lama Jesche Tsöndrü, übersetzt von Jürgen Manshard. Excepts available here.
14) The Southern Lineage – Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
by Je Gendun Jamyang
- This translation is currently being researched. Please check here again in the future.
15) Zhamar Pandita’s Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
by The Fourth Amdo Zhamar, Gendun Tenzin Gyatso
- This translation is currently being researched. Please check here again in the future.
16) Zhamar Pandita’s Treatise on Special Insight
by The Fourth Amdo Zhamar, Gendun Tenzin Gyatso
- This translation is currently being researched. Please check here again in the future.
17) Liberation in the Palm of One’s Hand
Spoken by Pabongka Rinpoche; Compiled by Trijang Rinpoche
- Befreiung in unseren Händen Band 1 & 2: Einberühmter Klassiker des Tibetischen Buddhismus, von Pabongka Rinpoche. Diamant Verlag.
18) Textual Outline for the Medium Treatise on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
by Trijang Rinpoche
- OUTLINES ONLY: Der Mittlere Stufenweg von Dsche Tsongkhapa, mit eingefügten Zwischenüberschriften von Tridschang Rinpotsche. Aus dem Tibetischen übersetzt von Cornelia Krause. Auszug aus „Der Mittlere Stufenweg“. FPMT Inc., erschienen im Diamant Verlag München 2007. PDF download available here.